There is a jaggle of masonry here, on a small hill
Above the gray-mouthed Pacific, cottages and a thick-walled tower, all made of rough sea rock
And Portland cement. I imagine, fifty years from now,
A mist-gray figure moping about this place in mad moonlight, examining .....
Ahora tan sólo,
en este pobre rostro en que te caes,
he visto el rostro de la niña que fuiste
y te he sentido varias veces mi madre.
Me he sentido el hijo de tus juegos,
del mundo que creabas y esperabas
como un tibio regalo de cumpleaños.
Y .....
With leaden foot Time creeps along
While Delia is away:
With her, nor plaintive was the song,
Nor tedious was the day.
Ah, envious Pow'r! reverse my doom;
Now double thy career,
Strain ev'ry nerve, stretch ev'ry plume,
The spirit killeth, but the letter giveth life.
The week is dealt out like a hand
That children pick up card by card.
One keeps getting the same hand.
One keeps getting the same card.
But twice a day -- except on Saturday --
The wheel stops, there is a .....
Crying cranes and wheeling crows...
I'll remember them, " she said;
And I will be your own, God knows,
And the sin be on my head.
I will be your own and glad;
Lovers would be fools to care
How a thing is good or bad,
When the .....
Señor, matadme, si queréis.
(Pero, señor, ¡no me matéis!)
Señor dios, por el sol sonoro,
por la mariposa de oro,
por la rosa con el lucero,
los corretines del sendero,
por el pecho del ruiseñor,
por los naranjales en flor,
Dear Heart, Why Will You Use Me So?
By James Joyce
Dear heart, why will you use me so?
Dear eyes that gently me upbraid,
Still are you beautiful – but O,
How is your beauty raimented!
Through the clear mirror of your eyes,
I Dreamed that I ws dead and crossed the heavens, --
Heavens after heavens with burning feet and swift, --
And cried: "O God, where art Thou?" I left one
On earth, whose burden I would pray Thee lift."
I was so dead I wondered at no thing, .....
I want to die while you love me,
While yet you hold me fair,
While laughter lies upon my lips
And lights are in my hair.
I want to die while you love me,
And bear to that still bed,
Your kisses turbulent, unspent,
To warm me when .....
În parul tau de aur, o copca de argint
aveai, si-n noaptea deasa ca smoala, tu, frumoasa,
cu pletele de aur sunând, si de matasa
erai faclie blonda, lucind în labirint.
O, as fi vrut sa fie vazduhul nu te mint
în mâna mea o calda si mângâioasa .....