I got my head shaved for her
because she told me it would do all the right things for my identity.
I never knew that it would;
I never knew that it could;
I think perhaps because it makes no difference.
Hold me down Aveda!
Hold me down... it feels so right.
All I know is what I've been told.
I got all done up for her
because she told me it would do something to correct my identity.
I never knew that I should;
I never knew that I would;
I think perhaps because it makes no difference.
I can't articulate it; consistently frustrated;
her discontent over my identity.
I never knew that itwould;
I never knew that it could;
I never knew because it makes no difference.
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 188
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