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Hoosiers - Everything Goes Dark

Hypnotised by mirrors,
You should look out your window,
Beneath cracked panes of ice,
A sky's on fire.
Drowned by the screams of decadence,
Are two arms (?)

Too busy working out to,
Work it out.

It's not gonna matter what you chose,
It's too late when everything goes,

Da-ya-ya-yark (x2)

It's come for all that you hola dear,
She starts to cry,
And hears a song to break your heart,
Looking in the dark,
But I can't see,
It's getting light,
In the night we made mistakes;

Da-ya-ya-yark (x4)

Would you leave yourself alone?
If everything goes dark,
Would you light it up your soul? (?)
Once everything goes dark,
Everything goes dark,
Everything goes dark,

Da-ya-ya-yark (x3)
Da-ya-ha-ha (x6)

(Humming)Hypnotised by mirrors,
You should look out your window,
Beneath cracked panes of ice,
A sky's on fire.
Drowned by the screams of decadence,
Are two arms (?)

Too busy working out to,
Work it out.

It's not gonna matter what you chose,
It's too late when everything goes,

Da-ya-ya-yark (x2)

It's come for all that you hola dear,
She starts to cry,
And hears a song to break your heart,
Looking in the dark,
But I can't see,
It's getting light,
In the night we made mistakes;

Da-ya-ya-yark (x4)

Would you leave yourself alone?
If everything goes dark,
Would you light it up your soul? (?)
Once everything goes dark,
Everything goes dark,
Everything goes dark,

Da-ya-ya-yark (x3)
Da-ya-ha-ha (x6)


Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 179

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