I’ve seen
I see you've turned your back on love again
and I feel
and I feel your stumbling down that road again
And I feel
despair kissing our lips again
and I feel
despair holding our hearts again, yeah
will you see
Me crying behind your back again
and you hear
My heart beat slowly down again
and I feel
despair kissing our lips again
and I feel
despair holding our hearts again
I feel
despair kissing our lips again
and I feel
despair holding our hearts again, yeah
oh baby yes I feel
despair kissing our lips again
and I feel
despair holding our hearts again
and I feel
despair kissing our lips again
and I feel
despair holding our hearts again, yeah
despair holding our hearts again, oho
that's right
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 211
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