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Hendrix Jimi - Woodstock Festival

500, 000 Halos ...

outshined the mud and history.

We washed and drank in

Gods tears of Joy,

And for once...and for everyone...

the truth was not a mystery--

Love called to all...Music is Magic.

As we passed over and beyond the walls of nay.

Hand in Hand as we lived and

made real the dreams of peaceful men--

We came together...Danced with

the pearls of Rainy weather

Riding the waves of music and

Space--Music is Magic...

Magic is life...

Love as never Loved Before...

Harmony to Son and Daughter...man and wife.

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 203

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