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Hammerfall - Templars of steel

The hands of time have brought you here
to make a change, to break down the walls
You are the ones and you are the only
trying to live by your own goals

And you all cry for freedom
Raise your fists to the sky

Let your voice speak for the revolution
All join forces with all the powers that you feel
Let your heart beat for the revolution
Led by the Templars of Steel

Let?s spread the word of the sole survivors
with metal pounding inside their souls
The fire burns, and it will forever
blaze for the ones who stands strong

And you all cry for freedom
with your fists in the sky

Let your voice speak for the revolution
All join forces with all the powers that you feel
Let your heart beat for the revolution
Led by the Templars of Steel
You are the Templars of Steel

Oh, oh, oh ...

Let your voice speak for the revolution
All join forces with all the powers that you feel
Let your heart beat for the revolution
Led by the Templars of Steel

Let your voice speak for the revolution
All join forces with all the powers that you feel
Let your heart beat for the revolution
Led by the Templars of Steel
You are the Templars of Steel

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 190

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