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Gigi D'agostino - Another way

I'll never do it 'cos you treat me wrong
you'll never do it, come and sing my song
I'll never do it 'cos you treat me wrong
you'll never do it, come and sing my song
I'll never do it 'cos you treat me wrong
you'll never do it, come and sing my song
I'll never do it 'cos you treat me wrong
you'll never do it, come and sing my song
When I look into your eyes, I feel myself fly around the world (in the sky)
Now you're in my dreams alive, what I feel is paradise inside my world
When I look into your eyes, I feel my heart at flight around my skies
When I stay with you alive, what I feel is paradise inside my life.
Can't you see that
I want to touch your body
Can't you see that
I fly with you, I pray for you
Living in another way,
to live it up just another day
living in another way (don't stop don't stop
don't stop put it down)
living in another way,
to live it up every single day
living in another way
(don't stop don't stop put it down)
Another Way...
You'll never do it, come and sing my song ... song ...
I'll never do it 'cos you treat me wrong
you'll never do it, come and sing my song
I'll never do it 'cos you treat me wrong
you'll never do it, ... sing... song
I'll never do it 'cos you treat me wrong
you'll never do it, come and sing my song
I'll never do it 'cos you treat me wrong
you'll never do it, come and sing my song
I'll never do it 'cos you treat me wrong
you'll never do it, come and sing my song
I'll never do it 'cos you treat me wrong
you'll never do it...
Can't you see that
I want to touch your body
Can't you see that I fly with you,
I pray for you
Living in another way,
to live it up just another day
living in another way
(don't stop don't stop
don't stop put it down)
living in another way,
to live it up every single day
living in another way
(don't stop don't stop put ït down)

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 208

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