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Gary Moore & Bb King - Since I Met You Baby

I used to wake up in the morning with an aching head.
I couldn't remember anything I'd said.
My friends told me I was getting out of line.
If it wasn't for you baby, I'd be doing time.

Since I met you baby,
you've made a new man of me.
Since I met you baby,
I'm happy as a man could be.
Yes, I am.

I used to think I was better than the rest.
Ain't no doubt about it, I was no second best.
Didn't seem to matter what was right or what was wrong.
I did some crazy things before you came along.

Since I met you baby,
you've made a new man of me.
Since I met you baby,
I'm happy as a man could be.
Yes, I am.

Since I met you baby.
Since I met you baby.
Since I met you baby.
Since I met you baby.
Since I met you baby,
I'm happy as a man could be.
One more time!

Since I met you baby.
Since I met you baby.
Since I met you baby.
Since I met you baby.
Since I met you baby.
Since I met you baby.
Since I met you baby.
Since I met you baby.
Well, sïnce I met you baby,
I'm happy as a man could be.
Yes, I am.

Happy as a man can be.
You tell 'em Gary!

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 224

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