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Funny Face & Baby Shine - Runaway

Funny Face & Baby Shine - Runaway

Intro: Tonight i hear your voice on radio
Tonight i hear your voice on radio
Tonight i love to hear yor voice on radio...
Tonight i hear your voice on radio
Tonight i hear your voice on radio
Tonight i love to hear yor voice on radio...

1. Now i know that true, you don't need me
For your dreams come true
I belive in your chances
More and more then you belive in you
Your life is not here and your dreams
You know, you know are so real
But you choose to close your eyes
And let the life to take you anywhere

Chorus: Runaway, runaway, runaway from true
I belive, i belive, i belive in you
Runaway, runaway, you have to stop someday
When you lose me , i saw: " get away!"
Runaway, runaway, runaway from true
I belive, i belive, i belive in you
Runaway, runaway, you have to stop someday
When you lose me , i say: " get away!"

2. Tell me why i cried when i see
How you live your life
I don't know how many times
I waited you to live your real life
Your life is not here and your dreams
You know, you know are so real
But you choose to close your eyes
And let the life to take you anywhere

Chorus: Runaway, runaway, runaway from true
I belive, i belive, i belive in you
Runaway, runaway, you have to stop someday
When you lose me , i saw: " get away!"
Runaway, runaway, runaway from true
I belive, i belive, i belive in you
Runaway, runaway, you have to stop someday
When you lose me , i say: " get away!"

Bridge: You Know, you broken my hart
You don't know what you want
I feel that's the way...
I will tell you now: "get away!"

Chorus: Runaway, runaway, runaway from true
I belive, i belive, i belive in you
Runaway, runaway, you have to stop someday
When you lose me , i saw: " get away!"
Runaway, runaway, runaway from true
I belive, i belive, i belive in you
Runaway, runaway, you have to stop someday
When you lose me , i say: " get away!"

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 256

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