Anytime you need me babe, just call I'll be there
Call and see what a good friend can be
When you need someone to care
Nothing more than understanding, just a man who's undemanding
Like a leaf that's only landing suddenly goes when the wind gently blows
And I'm asking nothing of you love, only what you want to give
And I wish you what I wish myself, ss long as I may live
Other arms will surely hold you, just remember the things that I told you
When these arms of mine enfold you
It's not out of greed but for love, and for need.
I love you so, I still do, I'm sure you know when I'm holding you
The sad part of seeing you is goodbye
Call and I'll come when your world's come undone
I'm like you, I get lonely too, and I need someone to hold
Knowing well this world can be hell and sometimes very cold
Nothing firm and nothing binding, now and then a slight reminding
Waking up one day and finding somewhere to run, somewhere to run
Somewhere to run when your world's come undone
Oh babe, I'll be there, I'll be there anytime
There's a certain thing about you, summer, fall and spring about you
I could write and sing about you, and never run out, never run out (no)
Never run out of what you're all about
Oh babe, I'll be there , I'll be there anytïme
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 247
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