Hey Señorita, mi alma no olvida
Como puedes ser tan linda,
Te quiero mas y mas.
Hey Señorita, mi morena querida,
Esta noche con amor, vamos a jugar.
When the sun is going down shes dancing on me
The greatest part of the night, is when she moves her body,
I love her skills crossing over the bound,
The way shes touching the sound.
Hey dont lie, girl you must proove it,
Baby, try, to keep your body movin
Hey dont lie, girl you must proove it,
Baby, try, to keep your body movin.
Let the moon watch us dance
Fill the night with romance,
Baby lets dance around the fire.
Let me kiss you on time,
I wont act like a mime,
Baby feel me, fulfill my desïre.
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 205
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