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Eve - Ain't got no dough

Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo
Bet I make you a believer
Fever, what you catch when you see her
Cheater, that be you check your beeper 9-1-1
Never Eve stressin' for your lovin'
I don't want none
Peep her, two seater
Look at you nigga actin' like you need her
You run blocks with your henney on the rocks
You don't think I see you wiling, thirsty nigga want the cock, uh
Let you live for a minute 'fore I slide off
Get you mad, holla no smokey ride off
Stressing me, you ain't blessing me
With your 96 Rolley glistening and impressing me
Hear me though, want a job need a resume, ready though
Cause my time is like Presume
You got petty dough and I'm here to let you know
My time is priceless, so if you iceless, babygïrl gotta go

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 220

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