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Erasure - 2000 miles

There's something I need to say (Hey yeah yeah)
I'm not sad you're gone away (No way)
Won't be calling information (No siree)
Or waiting at the railway station (Whoop Whoop)
You walked out of my front door
I wasn't then but now I'm sure
I need to be at least 2, 000 miles away from you

2, 000 miles away from you
2, 000 miles away from you
2, 000 miles away from you
2, 000 miles away from you

Had to get me to the church on time
Say that silly I do I do nursery rhyme (I do I do I do I do I)
You've been bitching at me for a while (Yeah Yeah Yeah)
Say hey now baby don't you cramp my style (Uh)
Don't go beating me like that
I'm glad I won't be coming back
I need to be at least 2, 000 miles away from you

2, 000 miles away from you
2, 000 miles away from you
2, 000 miles away from you
2, 000 miles away from you

Don't go beating me like that
I'm glad you won't be coming back

Watch out for the danger man
He'll eat you if he gets a chance
I need to be at least 2, 000 miles away from you

2, 000 miles away from you (2, 000 miles away from you)
2, 000 miles away from you (2, 000 miles away from you)
2, 000 miles away from you (2, 000 miles away from you)
2, 000 mïles away from you

(And the further away from me you are the better as far as I'm concerned)

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 195

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