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Emily Osment - All the way up

I like to bite my nails

And play the air guitar

I like to keep my suitcase packed cause I'm going far

I think you're nice but

I don't wanna waste my time

I may seem crazy but don't worry I'm just fine

All the way up

All the way down

Never look back

It's time to breakout

I want it my way

I do what I do

I know what I like

And maybe it's you

Lets rock

It's a temporary life

It's all right

That takes you all the way up

All the way down

Never look back it's time to breakout

I like to go out walking

In a foreign lane

I want my rocknroll to

Make the window shake

I wait till three am

To call everyone I know

I'm gonna bring the noise

I'm ready here we go

All the way up

All the way down

Never look back

It's time to breakout

I want it my way

I do what I do

I know what I like

And maybe it's you

Lets rock

It's a temporary life

It's all right

That takes you all the way up

All the way down

Never look back it's time to breakout

It's my life and it's a riot

Come on baby you can't deny it

All the way up

All the way down

Holdin my breath

Lettin it out

I want it my way

I do what I do

I know what I like


All the way up

All the way down

Never look back

It's time to breakout

I want it my way

I do what I do

I know what I like

And maybe it's you

Lets rock

It's a temporary life

It's all right

That takes you all the way up

All the way down

Never look back it's time to breakout

It's time to breakout

It's time to breakout

Right now

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 215

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