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Emily Dickinson - Gave Myself To Him

I Gave Myself To Him

I gave myself to him
And took himself for pay.
The solemn contract of a life
Was ratified this way

The value might disappoint
Myself a poorer prove
Than this my purchaser suspect
The daily own of love.

Depreciates the sight
But, 'till the merchant buy,
Still fabled, in the isles of spice
The subtle cargoes lie.

At least, "'tis mutual risk"
(Some found it mutual gain)
Sweet debt of life -each night to owe,
Insolvent every noon!

I Have No Life But This

I have no life but this,
To lead it here;
Nor any death, but lest
Dispelled from there;
Nor tie to earths to come,
Nor action new,
Except through this extent,
The Realm of You!

What If I Say

What if I say I shall not wait!
What if I burst the fleshly Gate-
And pass, escaped- to thee!

What if I file this Mortal- off-
See where it hurt me- That?s enough-
And wade in Liberty!

They cannot take me- any more!
Dungeons can call- and Guns implore;
Unmeaning- now- to me-

As laughter- was- an hour ago-
Or Laces- or a Traveling Show-
Or Who died- yesterday!

Categoria: D

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 716

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