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Ellie Withe - One love

you are trying to find a way
looking back at this picture frame
memories's come, i can feel your skin
you can flying above the groud
searching feelings that can't be found
i am here, you're the one i want

love me, you can love me
take me, lie and make me..
belive that i'm your one love
belive that i'm your one life
belive taht i'm your one world
one love, one life

can you touch now the morning light
feel the love that i have to hide
close the door, keep me up inside
you'we been flying above the groud
searching feelings that can't be found
i am here, you're the one i want

love me, you can love me
take me, lie and make me...
belive that i'm your one love
belive that i'm your one life
belive taht i'm your one world
one love, one life

belive that i'm your one love
belive that i'm your one life
belive taht i'm your one world
one love, one lïfe...

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 262

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