Strapped down and heavy
Tied up and bound
This weight I carry
This weight Ive found
So be the one to say
Ive really had enough
Refren: Downfallen on
(Yes, you meant the world to me)
My sweet love
So headstrong strong...
Watch me fall
One down too many
You let me down
Wont think what could be
Cant feel much now
Change this world inside of you X2
Does it really mean that much to you
To hide your fear, to test the way I feel
To test the way I feel X3
Watch me crawl watch me break
Watch me crawl watch me throw it all away
I cant believe the things you say
So wrongful how I feel this way
sleeping to relieve this strain
So calmly, sadly, softly
Just let it all just drift away
Let it all just drift away
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 222
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