In the moonlight, in
the daylight
Struggle to get on
And you know me,
understand me
You will make me
You will make me
You will make me
Look at me here I am
Reaching for your
arms again
With all the hurt and
all the pain
Get back on my feet
He was saying for the
I am not alone
Cause he see me
want to be me
melancholy so
Melancholy so
Look at me here I am
Reaching for your
arms again
With all the hurt and
all the pain
Get back on my feet
Dez, Nove, Oito, Sete,
Seis, Cinco, Quatro,
Três, Dois, Um
There is no fear there
is peace here
I have found a home
Look at me (I'm
struggle not alone)
here I am reaching
for your arms again
With all the hurt (I'm
struggle not alone)
And all the pain
Get back on my feet
(I'm struggle not
Look at me here I am
Reaching for your
arms again
With all the hurt and
all the pain
Get back on my feet
Look at me (I'm
struggle not alone)
here I am reaching
for your arms again
With all the hurt (I'm
struggle not alone)
And all the pain
Get back on my feet
(I'm struggle not
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 326
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