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dj andi feat.stella - colours of rainbow

I know a secret, I cannot say
It seems like there is no other way
You`re gonna listen to Vibe FM

This place is not very far away
I`m sure we can go there any day
A deeper feeling will show the way
Wanna find it

Colours of the rainbow
I wish you could see the lights
Colours of the rainbow
Love is on the other side

Colours of the rainbow
I wish you could see the lights
Colours of the rainbow
Love is on the other side

I know a secret, I cannot say
It seems like there is no other way
I`m gonna show you a state of mine
A special vibe in your heart

This place is not very far away
I`m sure we can go there any day
A deeper feeling will show the way
Wanna find it

Colours of the rainbow
I wish you could see the lights
Colours of the rainbow
Love is on the other side

I really think I`ve got a vibe on you
I really feel that you`re the one
I really think you feel the same with you
I really think I`m gonna fall in love

Colours of the rainbow
I wish you could see the lights
Colours of the rainbow
Love is on the other sïde ... x2

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 349

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