ma desfac, împleticit, din mrejele tale
si în mrejele tale fericit nimeresc
din fata marii ma retrag încet pas cu pas
dar o mare-n furtuna mi-e sufletul acum
cât de greu m-am desprins de iluzii si vise
ca sa plâng, apoi, ravasit, ades .....
Am încercat sa fug pe cataligele mele de sare
sa spun adio acestor unduitoare lanuri
cu spice lungi de aur ce-si miroseau moartea
crocusii îndoielli îmi sfâsiau inima
iar deasupra-mi un nor negru îsi deschidea focul de mitraliera
câmpia era o masa de biliard .....
It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden lived whom you may know
By the name of ANNABEL LEE; -
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
I was a child and She .....
It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
I was a child and she was a .....
Câteva cuvinte, ti-ai spus,
doar câteva cuvinte, si ai creat
o întreaga istorie, al carei prezent
este deja ieri, asa cum mâine
va fi doar trecutul aceluia
ce-l va lasa în urma, pierdut
pentru totdeauna...
Doar un cuvânt, îti spui,
You came in out of the night
And there were flowers in your hand,
Now you will come out of a confusion of people,
Out of a turmoil of speech about you.
I who have seen you amid the primal things
Was angry when they spoke your name
IN ordinary .....