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David Deejay - Bizzare

I gotta feel you...your love's so bizzare..i gotta taste you..you take me so far...i've gotta feel you..your love's so bizzare..your love is so bizzare..
Girl make u feel your body..you will fall in love..if you tell me that you need me...this is not enough..
and before..and before..i will find you...and before ..and before..i will touch your lips...and before..and before..i will find you..and before...you are my fire...
I gotta feel you...your love's so bizzare..i gotta taste you..you take me so far...i've gotta feel you..your love's so bizzare..your love is so bizzare...
and before..and before..i will find you...and before ..and before..i will touch your lips...and before..and before..i will find you..and before...you are my fire...ohh yeee..ohhh no no no
I gotta feel you...your love's so bizzare..i gotta taste you..you take me so far...i've gotta feel you..your love's so bizzare..your love is so bïzzare...

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 321

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