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Daniel Powter - Bad Day

Versul 1.
Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on.

Versul 2.
You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee to go
You tell me your life's been way of line
You're falling to pieces everytime
And I don't need no carryin' on.

'Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
Sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're comming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day...
You had a bad day...

Versul 3.
Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on.

You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're comming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day...

Versul 4.
Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well on that strong
And I'm not wrong.

Versul 5.
So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost.

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Had a bad day.....
Had a bad day.....
Had a bad day.....
Had a bad day.....
Had a bad day.....

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 368

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