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Cyndi Lauper - Above The Clouds

There's a place where the sun breaks through
And the wind bites cold and hard
Stings my ears and
Tears my eyes
When the day starts to shout out loud

Stand tall
And glide
When you're all alone in the crowd
Don't fall
Don't hide
When you walk above the clouds
When you walk above the clouds

When the light is against your face
And your smile is soft and sound
That's when you tell me all your fears
and all your dreams
So proud

Stand tall
And glide

When you're all alone in the crowd
Don't fall
Don't hide
When you walk above the clouds
When you walk above the clouds

I try and tell you
to keep your head upright
Don't swing your sword and shield against the night
Don't block your blessings, boy
You don't have to fight
You don't have to fight

Stand tall
And glide
When you're all alone in the crowd
Don't fall
Don't hide
When you walk above the clouds

When you walk above the clouds

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 568

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