Hey, yo
This is connect-r talking to you
I got my man dj chris mayer on my side
We wanna give you some advice, you know
All the kids or the youngsters
Who are strugleling, trying to be a dj
4 the love of money, bitches , fame stuff like this
Hey yo, let me tell you something
If you wanna be a dj, a real dj
You gotta doing it for the love of music
And guess what
We got some examples :
Music is rhythm
Music is lyrical
If you aint got this as dj optick from more optical
Get your vibe, on go on the radio
You dont know why dj andi is in the zone
God Rosario Internulo
When is playing on just pump up the fucking volume
Deepside Dj'ss run a secret
Barbulescu got addicted
But theres no side effect
When youve got Eftimie on the mixtape
So boom boom clubbing all the week
Dont matter if you feeling sick
Remember only one thing
The djs playing 4 the love of music
The djs playing 4 the love of music
The djs playing 4 the love of music
The djs playing 4 the love of music
The djs playing 4 the love of music sic-sic
And if you love the opestra
You gotta love Lassaria
Feeling the rhythm over ya
Just like Rhyno and Sylvia
And if you love the underground
Check up the amnesia sound
Looking around you may see Livio Roby or GIC
Now still got love for the oldschool
Cause my young days of scratching fools (????)
Since my young days in highschool
When docs and
.where so cruel
So boom boom clubbing all the week
No matter if you feeling sick
Remember only one thing
The djs playing 4 the love of music (x5)
D-laid rocks the house
You gotta feel aroused
and I feel like Im moving ya
Dj Topo way (???)
Dj Allen start to play
So get your clothes off babe
Letting mee see that sexy thing like David Deejay
When Raouls mixing
Theres no more beat in
No dj savas missing
Your sun still shining
And you wanna know why?
Cause finally youre doing 4 the love of music
The djs playing 4 the love of musïc (x4)
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 360
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