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Concurs pentru studenți organizat de Roland Berger Strategy Consultants

Pe data de 27-28 martie 2015, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants organizeaza cea de-a noua editie a celui mai important eveniment dedicat studentilor, Case Study Challenge.

Iată detaliile concursului (în limba engleză):

Are you a fluent Romanian or Bulgarian speaker, enrolled in a Bachelor or a Master program? Are you ready to get a flavor of strategy consulting? Are you eager for amazing new challenges?


If yes, then Case Study Challenge 2015 is the event for you!


We invite you to join us on March 27-28 for this year’s edition of the Roland Berger Case Study Challenge, where we will test your team spirit, leadership potential and analytical skills.


In teams, you will compete against other motivated Romanian and Bulgarian students to solve a real business puzzle. You will have the chance to experience the everyday challenges and rewards of strategy consulting.


Those of you who will convince us that consultancy is the right fit for them will be offered the chance to join the Roland Berger Strategy Consultants team and complete an internship in the company’s Bucharest office.


Roland Berger will award a limited number of merit- and need-based grants to cover transportation and / or accommodation costs for students currently attending universities outside Bucharest.


True to the belief that it’s character that creates impact, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants supports, recruits and develops young talents, fostering excellence worldwide, among professionals and students alike. We are the place where talent joins opportunity. Get a flavor of strategy consulting! Join the Case Study Challenge!


Find out more and apply (http://challenge.rolandberger.ro/) by March 8, 2015

About Roland Berger Strategy Consultants


Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, founded in 1967, is one of the world’s leading strategy consultancies. With 2,400 employees working in 50 offices in 36 countries worldwide, we have successful operations in all major international markets. The strategy consultancy is an independent partnership exclusively owned by about 220 Partners. Roland Berger Strategy Consultants was the first leading strategy consultancy to set up a permanent office in Bucharest, in 1992.


If you want to learn more about the company and its initiatives, you can visit our corporate website. (http://www.rolandberger.ro/

Categoria: Stiri educatie

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Feb 19, 2015

Vizualizari: 276

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