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Cocteau Twins - A Kissed Out Red Floatboat

I'm standing here
If I said "Love" would you listen to my heart?
Made love if you said
He had it all
I thought he'd known loving more
He's so mean to her
I don't wanna know
If only had he held on
He'd be along side with you so guarded
He needed all you had
He had it all
He needed all you had
He needed all you had
I've been here
Here with more than he asked you for
And I've got what you needed for your heart
He gave me love
He'd give me
He'd love, you know
He needed all you had
He had it all
He needed all you had
He needed all you had
He had it all
He needed all you had
He needed all you had

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 504

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