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Cheb Mami - Nous couleurs (engleza)

What one wants is to make proud, father and mother one wants to carry and proud our colors high…. our colors ..... our colors
What one wants is to make proud fathers and mothers
one wants to carry high and proud our colors
His fact of the good of seeing people of the village who succeed,
gives an example to the kids who grow….
one will give the sun on the sad faces,
raises one puts to you, moves one puts to you,
call your brothers your pals and your lady .....
all brothers, tou cousins welcome on our premises!
one life of dreams and hopes of happy young people
who move the high head and one y croi,
which the best remainder has to come,
hangs to you ya encor so much things has decouvrirs
That one wants is to make proud fathers and mothers,
one to carry and proud our colors high
that one wants is to make proud fathers and mothers,
one to carry high and proud our colors X 2

survey one puts to you, moves one puts to you,
call your brothers your pals and your lady .....
all brothers, tou cousins welcome on our premises! x2
that one wants is to make proud fathers and mothers,
one to carry hïgh and proud our colors X 2

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 398

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