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Carly Simon - Coming around again

Baby sneezes
Mammy pleases
Daddy breezes in
So good on paper
So romantic
But so bewildering

I know nothing stays the same
But if you’re willing to play the game
It’s coming around again
So don’t mind if I fall apart
There’s more room in a broken heart (broken heart)

You pay the grocer
Fix the toaster
Kiss the host good-bye
Then you break a window
Burn the soufflé
Scream the lullaby

I know nothing stays the same
But if you’re willing to play the game
It’s coming around again
So don’t mind if I fall apart
There’s more room in a broken heart

And I believe in love
But what else can I do?
I’m so in love with you

I know nothing stays the same
But if you’re willing to play the game
It will be coming around again

I believe in love
Baby sneezes
I believe in love
Mammy pleases
I believe in love
Daddy breezes in
I believe in love

I know nothing stays the same
But if you’re willing to play the game
It will be coming around again

I do believe, I do believe
I believe in love
I believe in love
I believe in love

Coming around again, coming around again
Nothing stays the same
But if you’re willing to play the game
It will be coming around again

I believe in love
I believe in love
I believe in love
I believe in love

And it’s coming around agaïn

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 375

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