I dream of you
And it feels like I`m flying
I think of you when I`m smiling
I`m lost into your eyes
I sing our song
And it feels like we`re dancing
My broken heart can`t stop resting
I love but is it wise?
She`s born to run away
So sad that she can`t stay
I wish she gives me one more day
I kiss my love goodbye
I hold her one last time
And suddenly I don`t know why
Lovers cry?
Tell me the meaning of being together
If you keep running forever
I don`t understand
Why is the purpose of loving each other
`Cause every day I keep wonder
If I see you again
She`s poor to run away
So sad that she can`t stay
I wish she gives me one more day
I kiss my love goodbye
I hold her one last time
And suddenly I don`t know why
Lovers cry?
She`s poor to run away
So sad that she can`t stay
I wish she gives me one more day
I kiss my love goodbye
I hold her one last tïme
And suddenly I don`t know why
Lovers cry?
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 595
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