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Abyssaria - All The Dying On Earth

We who never feared the moonlight
We who never fled from the rain
All the dying on this earth
All this pain since the birth
I see - they are creeping
They are dying
I feel their fear, the deadlight in their eyes
They are drowning in the angel's tears
Do you feel the eternal fire?
Let it burn, let it burn higher
All the dying on this earth
Let they die in your fire
The great inferno is coming
The end of mortality is near
All the dying on this earth
All this pain since the birth
I see - they are weeping
They are dying
Faces - speaking of decay
Creature - abandoned castaway

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 469

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