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A - Something's Going On

Somethings going on
I don't know what I did
But it worked out fine again
Got you in my song
It sounds like a hit
It's gonna be alright again
We're something to celebrate
The more you love, the more you hate
Who cares about us anyway?
Something's going on
Take some time to graduate
Take some time and don't be late
Who cares about us anyway?
Something's going on
Nothing's going right
This could go on all night
Gotta raise my game again
You're the same as me
I fit you perfectly
I'll never be the same again
We're something to celebrate
The more you love, the more you hate
Who cares about us anyway?
Something's going on
Take some time to graduate
Take some time and don't be late
Who cares about us anyway?
Something's going on
I wanna stare at you
I wanna stare at you
I wanna stare at you all night
I wanna stare at you
I wanna stare at you
Wanna be wearing you all night
Yeah, something's going on!
We're something to celebrate
The more you love, the more you hate
Who cares about us anyway?
Something's going on
Take some time to graduate
Take some time and don't be late
Who cares about us anyway?
Something's going on
Come on!
Something's going on
Oh yeah
Something's going on

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 908

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